Thursday, February 26, 2015

The British are coming!

The girls at my studio are abuzz because the Royal Ballet is coming to the US for a summer 2015 tour.  They're performing in Washington DC (June 9-14), Chicago (June 18-21), and New York* (June 23-28).  In the first two cities they're doing Don Q and in New York they're doing a bunch of other repertoire.

In some comment somewhere I saw that someone apparently really, really didn't want the RB to perform Alice.  I have to say, I really don't understand not liking the RB production of Alice in Wonderland!  When you have tapping...

And this pas de deux...

Though personally, I like the pas de deux better with Lauren Cuthbertson and Sergei Polunin.  It's not quite as technically smooth (partner-wise) but it feels more genuine.  And softer?  Younger?  More innocent and Alice-like?  But, still, I do really like that pas.  How can you hate Alice?!

The summer in New York is just full of ballet. In addition to the Royal Ballet tour, ABT has an amazing lineup for June.  La Bayadère, Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake, and Cinderella.  Swan Lake and Cinderella are in the same time period as the Royal Ballet tour if you want to pack full a week in NYC!  ABT also happens to be saying good-bye to a couple of my favorite dancers: Xiomara Reyes and Paloma Herrera.

My parents may or may not be coming to visit me/NYC around that time (their last visit to NYC was disappointing, because their companions didn't want to walk around much), so hopefully some ballet will be in our trip.

*Look, I've fallen into the very NYS habit of calling New York City "New York."  When I first got here, I was always slightly annoyed by people calling NYC "New York."  "Where are you going for break?" "New York."  ("But you're already HERE!!")

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